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AWS SES – Moving out of the sandbox

To help protect our customers from fraud and abuse and to help you establish your trustworthiness to ISPs and email recipients, we do not immediately grant unlimited Amazon SES usage to new users. New users are initially placed in the Amazon SES sandbox. In the sandbox, you have full access to all Amazon SES email-sending methods and features so that you can test and evaluate the service; however, the following restrictions are in effect:
  • You can only send mail to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator and to verified email addresses and domains.
  • You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains.
  • You can send a maximum of 200 messages per 24-hour period.
  • Amazon SES can accept a maximum of one message from your account per second.
To remove the restriction on recipient addresses and increase your sending limits, you need to open a case in Support Center by using the following instructions.

To move out of the Amazon SES sandbox

  1. Log into the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to SES Sending Limits Increase. Alternatively, you can go to Support Center, click Create Case, click Service Limit Increase, and then select SES Sending Limits as the limit type.
  3. In the form, provide the following information:
    • Region: Select the AWS region for which you are requesting a sending limit increase. Note that your Amazon SES sandbox status and sending limits are separate for each AWS region. For more information, see Regions and Amazon SES.
    • Limit: Select Desired Daily Sending Quota or Desired Maximum Send Rate. Sending limits are described in Managing Your Amazon SES Sending Limits.


      The rate at which Amazon SES accepts your messages might be less than the maximum send rate.
    • New limit value:Enter the amount you are requesting. Be sure to only request the amount you think you'll need. Keep in mind that you are not guaranteed to receive the amount you request, and the higher the limit you request, the more justification you will need to be considered for that amount.
    • Mail type: Select Transactional, System Notifications, Subscription, Marketing, or Other.
    • Website URL. Provide a link to your website. Although it isn't required, we highly recommend that you provide one if you have it, because it helps us evaluate your request.
    • My email-sending complies with the AWS Service Terms and AWS Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).Select Yes or No.
    • I only send to recipients who have specifically requested my mail. Select Yes or No. For tips on how to send high-quality mail and keep your recipient list clean, see Obtaining and Maintaining Your Recipient List and the Amazon Simple Email Service Email Sending Best Practices white paper.
    • I have a process to handle bounces and complaints. Select Yes or No. For information on how to monitor and handle bounces and complaints, see Processing Bounces and Complaints.
    • Use Case Description. Explain your situation in as much detail as possible. For example, describe the type of emails you are sending and how email-sending fits into your business. The more information you can provide that indicates that you are sending high-quality emails to recipients who want and expect it, the more likely we are to approve your request. The higher the limit value you are requesting, the more detail you should provide.
    We will respond to the case after reviewing your request. Please allow one business day for processing. If you are granted a sending limit increase, then you have also been moved out of the sandbox and no longer need to verify your "To" addresses.
The following are three ways to determine whether you have moved out of the sandbox:
  • The correspondence in your SES Sending Limits Increase case indicates that your request has been granted.
  • You can successfully use Amazon SES to send an email message from your verified email address to an unverified address that you own. If you receive a MessageRejected error instead, stating that your email address is not verified, then you are still in the sandbox.
  • The Amazon SES console shows that your sending quota is higher than 200 messages per 24-hour period. To learn more, see Monitoring Your Amazon SES Sending Limits.
Once you are out of the sandbox, you no longer have to verify "To" addresses or domains; however, you must still verify any additional "From" or "Return-Path" addresses or domains. Over time, Amazon SES will gradually increase your sending limits, or you can open another SES Sending Limits Increase case if the gradual increase does not meet your needs. For more information, see Managing Your Amazon SES Sending Limits.


  • January 13, 2016 @ 14:32:37 [Current Revision] by admin
  • January 13, 2016 @ 14:32:37 by admin

Revision Differences

There are no differences between the January 13, 2016 @ 14:32:37 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)

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