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Javascript – Back to previous page

Sometimes, you will want to back to previous page, but you don’t want to use the back button of the browser. You can create a button in your website to do that. You can do this with javascript <a href=”javascript: history.go(-1)”>Go Back to previous page</a>



Magento Enterprise Edition Full Page Cache is a great feature that significantly improves the frontend performance. Nevertheless, it is causing the troubles with the customisations that require the dynamic content output. As you may know, the customer and cart information custom outputs are the first “victims” there, especially, if you migrated your Magento store from Community  Full Article…


AWS SES – Moving out of the sandbox

To help protect our customers from fraud and abuse and to help you establish your trustworthiness to ISPs and email recipients, we do not immediately grant unlimited Amazon SES usage to new users. New users are initially placed in the Amazon SES sandbox. In the sandbox, you have full access to all Amazon SES email-sending  Full Article…


How to integrate Amazon SES with Postfix

A. First method: Postfix was created as an alternative to the widely used Sendmail MTA. For information about Postfix, go to These instructions were tested on a 64-bit Amazon EC2 instance using the following Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which is based on Red Hat: Amazon Linux AMI 2014.09.2 (HVM) (ami-146e2a7c). To launch an Amazon EC2  Full Article…


Postfix: change sender in sending messages

Postfix: how to change change sender address in sending messages? Here is the answer, it will rewrite old-address to new-address automatically. You can define file to maps old-address to new-address. /etc/postfix/ smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic /etc/postfix/generic: [email protected] [email protected] Don’t forget to postmap /etc/postfix/generic and run postfix reload Upside: You doesn’t need to requeue the message Downside:  Full Article…


Centos – How to know the folder size

Under any Linux system, you want to use the command du. (Disk Usage) Common usage is : du -sh file(s) name(s) or du -sh /path/to/dir/* Replace ‘h’ by ‘k’,’m’ or ‘g’ for Kilobytes, Megabytes and Gigabytes instead of human-readable. With k/m/j switches, you can even pipe the output un sort -n (numeric sort instead of  Full Article…


Checking if your data is digit

You can use Javascript to detect the content of the input box is digit or not. Here is the code you can use: if ( (yourcontent+””).match(/^\d+$/) ) { //it’s all digits }  


Validate your input, Magento style in front-end

I’m sure most of you will agree that Magento’s front-end validation for form input fields is a nice feature. All it takes is for you to add some CSS classes to the input fields and then upon form submission validation is triggered that outputs, by default, red colored messages that point the possible validation failures  Full Article…